Sunday, July 26, 2020

100 Days


There are 100 days until the election. In June 2018, I wondered how we survived the first 500 days of Donald tRump’s pseudo presidency. Now I’m wondering how we will survive the next 100 days, not to mention the November to January period of time before he is officially out of office and the havoc he can raise during that interim in extracting revenge for his loss.

Teflon Don has gotten away with corruption and misdeeds that would have put any mortal in the slammer for life. Neither the Mueller investigation nor the impeachment process dented his staying power, protected as he is by his knuckle-dragging Republican sycophants in Congress.

Congressman Adam Schiff warned us at the close of the impeachment hearings that he would continue his path of destruction if he wasn’t stopped. The Senate failed to stop him and yes, it’s continued. 

We have been pummeled into numbness, immune to the word salads passing for press conferences, blatant lies, and conspiracy-laden tweets. Bounties on US troops in Afghanistan by the Russians is barely a blip on the radar. There was little blowback from the pardoning of convicted felon and crony Roger Stone. The coronavirus pandemic has consumed us for six months, exacerbated by his complete and utter denial of science. Republican governors in sunbelt states have shown utter obeisance. Premature openings and failure to follow simple precautions have resulted in out of control case numbers and deaths. 

in response protests stemming from the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Rayshard Brooks, Elijah McLane, and others, and the growth of the Black Lives Matter movement, tRump has sent in stormtroopers, unidentified in full camo, military gear. They dispense tear gas, shoot rubber bullets, and have scooped up non-violent protesters and thrown them into unmarked vehicles. 

Still he prevails, tweeting endless drivel and golfing (365 days, the equivalent of one year, at this point) while legislation to extend protections for those affected by the pandemic collects dust on Mitch McConnell’s desk, just like some 400 other bills and resolutions.

Four offenses

I’m no legal genius, but I see four offenses: Crimes Against Humanity, Dereliction of Duty, Abuse of Power, and Obstruction of Justice.

Crimes Against Humanity: Separating families and caging children in concentration camps; refusing to act to control the spread of a deadly pandemic, which has had the biggest impact on Black, Latino, the elderly, and low income people. Trying to rip healthcare from millions in the middle of aforementioned pandemic by axing the Affordable Care Act.

Dereliction of Duties: Refusing to acknowledge the danger of Russian and Chinese interference in the 2016 election and expected interference in the 2020 election. Obsessing over Confederate statues while people are dying from COVID-19 due to his utter mismanagement.

Abuse of Power: Executive orders cracking down on immigration and diverting funds from the military for his wall. Tear gassing protestors for his upside down Bible photo op and sending stormtroopers to confront peaceful protesters. Sowing doubt about leaving office if loses the election. Harnessing Attorney General William Barr as his personal consigliore. Lining his own pockets in defiance of the emoluments clause.

Obstruction of Justice: Pardoning Michael Flynn, a convicted felon in an effort to hide the truth about Russian interference. Ongoing attempts to block lawsuits to release his tax information and details of his sordid affairs. Blocking efforts to encourage mail-in voting, which, according to the Republicans, would encourage greater participation and benefit the Democrats.

Pundits regularly shrug their shoulders and say “Vote him out of office in November.” Joe Biden is leading in the polls by double digits. Hillary Clinton was also ahead in the polls and still lost, so we can’t feel too smug about winning. In the absence of Congressional action, Biden is in the position to act as de facto president. He can seize airtime and counterpunch tRump’s false claims and word salads. He doesn’t need huge rallies to do that. I would expect that he is in the process of assembling a cabinet and agency heads to step into place on Day 1.

Biden wasn’t my first choice, but with the selection of a smart, savvy vice president, and winning back the Senate, we can begin the healing process. 

So if you're as outraged as I am check out this comprehensive list of action items from the League of Women Voters. Many are really quick and easy!


NIM said...

Spot on Sally. Wonderfully written.

NIM said...

Spot on Sally. Wonderfully written.

Amy Goldman said...

Just perfect <3