Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Trump Resistance Bears Fruit

Image from
One year ago I went to the polls with the expectation of electing the first woman president in the 240 years of this country. There were tears of joy in my eyes as a slipped my ballot into the scanner.

Like many people, I sat transfixed and appalled as the numbers came in that night. By the next morning, those emotions had turned to outrage, outrage that has only deepened over the last year.

The Resistance began almost immediately.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

‘If You’re Not Outraged…’

After hearing tRump’s “fire and fury” announcement about North Korea this week, I looked around my house. 

Maybe its nuclear ICBM would not hit Connecticut, but we would surely experience the fallout. I thought: How tight can we seal the house? Put in the storm doors. Make sure the cellar windows are closed tight. Create a stash of food, water, and toilet paper. Food and litter for the cats. Gas up the cars.

Friday, April 14, 2017

WTF? Our New Mantra

As it turns out, there’s been a collective WTF? momentum that has only been increasing since the election. Every time I thought about writing a new post, another news report, Tweet, gaffe, appointment, executive order, or act on the part of Congress has put the sane among us into a tailspin of incredulity.

The election post mortem shows that the dumbing down of America has reached its apex. Trump’s election was sealed was by white, male high school graduates from the rust-belt states, and apparently, their beholden women. Appallingly, 52 percent of white women and 61 percent of white women without a college education voted for him. The Democrats obviously underestimated that voting block. Political correctness is gone. Trump’s disparaging attitudes has given permission for the bad behavior and misogyny associated with that lower socio-economic mentality.