Sunday, November 22, 2015

Retail Manipulation

Kohl’s must be apopleptic. Right in the middle of its Black Friday prequel, the power went out at the local shopping center. I can hear the collective gasp of the cash registers.

Friday, October 16, 2015

‘Retirement’ – Week 1

Early this summer when my bosses announced their retirement and intention to scale back their business, I had mixed feelings.

My chronic Bag Lady Fear about finances immediately kicked in. I have never felt secure about finances. Any time I’ve been laid off during my 40-plus year career, panic had set in.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Coloring: Everything old is new again

(I've been updating this post regularly to include new articles on the topic.)

For a long time, I had a secret: I loved to color.

A friend turned me on to adult coloring books at least 10 years ago. She gave me a book and some markers and I rediscovered the joy of choosing colors and filling in sections of designs, large and small, simple and intricate. It didn’t take long before a bought a couple of books and added a couple of packages of brilliantly hued Sharpies to my collection. In no time, I completely filled a Susanne Fincher book of mandalas.